The Edge

Jan 24: Hot Takes From New RTO Research, Igniting Trial Conversions And More

Written by Meghan Krause | January 25, 2024
 Welcome back to The Edge, the newsletter to help ambitious leaders make confident business decisions and drive success with data.

This month we help you:

  Get ahead of the latest findings on return-to-work

  Write killer OKRs

  Ignite your trial conversions

  Cut through the mess of metrics

  Rethink performance review calibrations that aren't doing what you think

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Hot Takes From New Return-To-Work (RTO) Research

Over the holiday, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh published new findings on return-to-office (RTO) mandates. They found:

  1. In-office workers were not more productive.
  2. RTO policies did not increase profitability or stock market valuation.
  3. Employee job satisfaction declined significantly.
  4. Strict RTO advocates tend to have more controlling tendencies, come from poorer performing businesses, and may be using WFH employee productivity as a scapegoat for that poor performance. (Ouch.)

What this means for you →


Some of Our Favorite OKR Resources to Kick Off the Year


Recently Asked Questions

I offer a free trial but I don’t think it’s worth it. What can I do to increase my conversion rate?

I love this question because SaaS products are an absolute goldmine to provide bespoke sales experiences without compromising efficiency.

You’re already tracking usage, use it to your advantage:

  1. Evaluate prospects' usage against the feature(s) and value proposition(s) you expect to resonate and convert them. Have they even engaged with your best features?
  2. If not, Sales has a clear mission. They can tailor follow up calls or educational outreach with this insight. Not only to encourage getting started with those features, but also listen for potential issues standing in their way.
  3. If the prospects have engaged and are still not converting, product and engineering should dig into the user experience. Confirm there are no bugs, that the flow is understandable to an outsider, and you’re actually delivering the promised value.

Either way, use failed conversions for continuous improvement. Really consider why the prospect didn't convert and fold findings back into your product design and messaging.


  If you have questions or want to learn more, we love sharing our expertise.



  The Metrics You Can't Live Without - Don't spiral on yet another 'ultimate' list. Check out our breakdown of just six metrics that every business should be tracking.
  Let's Talk ROI - Analytics returns $13 for each dollar spent. Our infographic shows what other benefits you may be missing out on.


Around the Web

Learn how your calibration meetings are introducing bias into your performance reviews and what that means for success.

AI regulation is coming. Check out four lessons from 2023 that tell us where that regulation is heading.

The December jobs report exceeded expectations and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen declared the 'soft landing' is underway in an interview last week.

Venture capital has been declining in recent years. Bloomberg Businessweek talks 2024 expectations with US Venture Capital Leader at EY, Jeff Grabow, in their recent podcast episode.