Make Confident Decisions
for Your Growth Stage Business.

We fuel growth and profit using data, drive innovation through technology, and empower confident decision-making to challenge the status quo.

Get Started Today
Woman smiling while on iPad

We help teams discover and harness their untapped potential.

Man holding his head while being handed and shown a lot of items

If you feel like you're always behind

You make long-term plans but often get caught up in the day-to-day instead of the big picture.

business woman in front of two roads thinking deciding hoping for best taking chance

If you're not sure you're making the right calls

You want to maximize revenue but you're unsure which strategies and tactics are most effective.

Two women at a desk where one is explaining to the other

If you're out of sync with your team

You set goals for your team, but they're not quite delivering the impact you had anticipated.

blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Who we are
blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Who we are

Your Partner in Digital Transformation

We believe every business, regardless of size or resources, should tap into transformative power of data and technology. With over a decade of experience, we have the skills and knowledge to deliver solutions that drive real business growth. 

Whether you're at the beginning of your data journey, interpreting results, or expanding your team, we're here to help every step of the way.

See How We Can Help You


Make decisions with confidence.

Work with top analytics and strategy experts to help you become more proactive, identify your winning strategies, and drive performance to achieve your goals.



Krause Analytics unlocks deeper insights and capabilities, giving you the knowledge and confidence to thrive.


Plan and budget effortlessly

We help you create strategic plans with forecasting and predictive analytics so you can prioritize, communicate with your stakeholders, and get ahead.

blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Plan
blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Plan

Identify your winning strategies

We help you achieve clarity with detailed analyses and visualizations to highlight what tactics are most effective, so you can maximize your revenue opportunities.

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Take charge of performance

We help you build objectives that are actionable and measurable to keep your team aligned with the big picture and continuously improving.

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Blobs Data

Strategy & Analytics Solutions for Your Toughest Challenges

Driving & Managing Revenue

We unlock new revenue streams, optimize existing ones, and empower you to make more informed decisions.

Creating More Competitive Products

We design stickier products based on customer behavior and create new and more valuable customer experiences with tech.

Boosting Customer Retention

We enhance the customer experience, boost revenue through strategic opportunities, and identify drivers for lasting loyalty.

Maximizing Sales & Marketing

We pinpoint the most effective strategies and use technology to implement automation, maximizing profitability.

Improve Clarity & Oversight

Pinpoint Your Winning Strategies

Plan & Budget Effortlessly


Get Ahead of the Competition




We Get Measurable Results

We create effective and enduring strategies that empower extraordinary achievements.


Improvement in Profitability


Boost in Customer Retention


Increase in User Engagement


But Don't Just Take Our Word for It...

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"Meghan consistently identified the real problem that our organization was trying to solve, and then applied the right technology to create easy-to-understand insights for varying audiences."

Ben Maphis
VP of Technology at Sestra Systems
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"Time and time again, she has demonstrated an extraordinary aptitude for transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive impactful decisions."

Jerry Limber
SVP, Product Strategy and Operations at Nielsen
Square made up of dots Limber Headshot

"Meghan can quickly deep dive into the insights and stories the data is telling and helps the business transform them into actionable steps."

Anju Olson
VP, Strategic Partnerships & Customer Success at Sestra Systems
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"Meghan's ability to think critically and creatively at different scales made her an invaluable asset. Her expertise in data analytics is a true asset to any organization."

Ben Holmes
Managing Director at Urban Science
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Experience Working With

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The Plan

Schedule an

We start with a strategy session to get to know you, your business, the obstacles you face and the aspirations that drive you.

Get a Custom Strategy

We create a personalized roadmap tailored specifically for your needs and goals.

Start Achieving
Your Goals

We start executing on the plan to empower confident, data-driven decisions.


Experience That Breaks Barriers

We excel at overcoming the most crucial obstacles to drive lasting, measurable results.

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Results That Matter

We deliver results that impact the bottom line and directly align with your business objectives.

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Bilingual in Business & Tech

We are fluent in both business and technology, bridging the gap to create successful outcomes in both realms.

Rocket taking off from a laptop

Proven Process

We marry strategic and practical problem-solving to ensure results are actionable and create value throughout your journey, not just at the finish line.

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Coaching & Empowerment

We nurture data-driven cultures and implement programs that everyone can embrace, regardless of their skill level.


What Do Our Services Cost?

Krause Analytics was born because we understand the value that data and technology bring. Our mission is to make this value accessible to organizations of all sizes and needs so they can do great things.

  • There is no cost for our initial strategy session.
  • We'll talk budget right from the start and customize a package that aligns to your needs.
  • Our services are designed to fuel growth and offer ongoing benefits. Investment in our services is often offset by bottom-line improvements from the insights discovered.

Study after study have shown the substantial benefits those that leverage their data see:


ROI on Analytics


Customer Loyalty


Operating Margin


1. "Analytics Pays Back $13.01 for Every Dollar Spent"
2. "Five Facts: How Customer Analytics Boosts Corporate Performance.”
3. McCain, “26 Stunning Big Data Statistics [2023]: Market Size, Trends, And Facts.”


The Latest News and Resources


Interactive Performance Dashboard

Get instant access to a pre-built, interactive dashboard to start making more profitable decisions today.


Discover the Impacts of Being Data-Driven

Get a glimpse at how data-driven culture can impact your bottom line.


Lean On The Experts

You don’t have to do it alone. Let us do what we love so you can focus on what you love.

Get Started